makhaza disaster response


Makhaza Disaster Response

Location: Makhaza, Khayelitsha, Cape Town - February 2015

Project Type: Disaster Response

 Project Description: In February, the backyard shack of Nomfazo Khahla burned to the ground in an accident.  Through Ikhayalami's connections with an ISN and Sconanathi leader, we were able to quickly respond to the disaster and provide Ms. Khahla with a completely rebuilt, fire resistant shelter using the Ikhayalami Disaster Response Fund.  

  • Goals
    • Provide emergency relief to a destitute disaster victim by building an upgraded, fire resistant shelter 
    • Raise awareness of Ikhayalami’s Disaster Response Fund
  • Impact
    • Provided shelter to a destitute disaster victim
    • Created awareness amongst Makhaza residents about Ikhayalami’s Disaster Response Fund and our fire resistant building materials 
  • Project Collaborators: Skona nathi